CRank: 5Score: 1450

games have an interesting story.

Prototype has the Web of Intrigue dynamic where the people whose bodies you consume fit together pieces of the story. You consume not only their bodies but their consciousness as well. According to the developer, how much of the story you want to unfold depends on how far you willing to progress with side missions and the like. Consuming every single story-related character would fill up the entire Web. I read this a while ago, i don't if it has ...

5697d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can watch satanic horror movies 24/7, lights out, alone.. and feel no fear. Tried the same with Dead Space, and S**t my pants. TWICE!

I hear what you saying, the control element is what seperates Games from anything else. The closest books ever came was those Choose your OWN Adventure books that were out a while back.

But you can't help agreeing with the author on this one point. The fact that you know you can't die sorta detracts from whatever tension the develope...

5699d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just think what the author is trying to say here is even though all these games have somewhat of an emotional attachment, it doesn't quite equate to the feeling of watching one of the great movies, or reading one of the great books. The point he makes is that even though something like Uncharted is an extremely engaging story, the worst case scenario can never happen. Your character can never die.

While you may nevertheless enjoy the game and its story.. you would never experie...

5699d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apparently you can go on playing the game even when the main character dies.. Don't exactly know how that's gona work, but at least it will have us caring about the characters we play as

5700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On other games, you know, the unchecking thing, but it doesn't work. there's 4 options - 720 1080i , 1080p and one more, i think its 480 or 5seventy something. Can't remember, but its sub HD. The problem is that last option is greyed out an you can't uncheck it! if you run the game with 720 and 1080i unchecked, then the game runs at the sub-hd resolution and not 1080p...

Anybody else had this problem?

5708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted would rock with competitive Multiplayer. i can't understand why the first uncharted didn't have multiplayer. It has an amazing cover system and beautiful environments that could easily be turned into wicked team based maps.
While i think MP would be great for U2, if it means in any way that it would detract from the single player experience, Naughty Dog should rather perish the thought..

Either way, I can't wait for this game. I'm looking forward to this even mor...

5711d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like in GTA: San Andreas?!?
CJ killed thousands of white dudes, not too mention women grannies grandpas and all...
And he did it with a smile..

5711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't write my comment to create an argument. Sorry if it offends you. i know you Western Liberal-minded Guys like to think of yourselves as Saviours of The FREE WORLD and the like, and hey i'm all for freedom and democracy.
the thing is, i don't expect you to understand, nor do i need you to. I live here. Fellow South Africans may be inclined to agree (unless their heads are covered in Zuma Confectionery)
I'm no racist friends.. i am a realist
there's no sense of civilit...

5712d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are bloody savages. I know i may come across as racist right now, but i'm from Africa, South Africa, and no i'm not White, neither am i black. I hear news stories every week about70 old grannies and 1 year old babies being raped, house robbery victims having their eyes gouged out so they can't identify witness
Folks, im not exaggarating any of this. This crap happens, and yes i sound angry, and I bloody well am.

Our national Elections are coming up, and our number 1 ca...

5712d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

You're an idiot

5733d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why did IGN say "with Guerrilla's much-hyped shooter promising to blow all other PS3 FPSes out of the water"

Shouldn't they have said it's the best shooter on any console? That's what all these previews and sneaky insights into the final codes would have led me believe, and coming to that => What makes this article any different from a review??? The only thing I see missing from the article is a frikkin score!!!

This game is looking too sweet, i need to ...

5733d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment
5993d ago

Yes you're right. It is shoddy development, i fully agree

No, you're wrong, it isn't a port. Underground Development is working on the PS3 version and Nerve Software is working on The Xbox version

Dont believe me?
Check it out :

Edit : and to bathyj who feels the need to explain it all. One question: Who asked you in the first p...

6005d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


What i find strange is that this game isn't really a port. Didn't someone somewhere say that there are two separate developers working for each of the two versions? Which would mean that the end result of the PS3 version, 'gimped' or not, was built from the ground up on PS hardware and not the result of shoddy porting.

wouldn't it???

Insert => nope, not directed at you, just to lazy to start my own comment.

And it's mr Ma...

6005d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

is wrong with all the sony people. I have a PS3 and i don't act like a freak. I swear you guys act like you have the latest barbie doll and oohoooohh look it comes with KEN TOO!!! What losers.

The article is supposed to be informative, not definitive. It's like saying the average human being swallows 8 spiders in its sleep. i guess you all belive that too?

Again what losers

Shoot me

6028d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm looking at getting internet soley for the purpose of killing sh*t on CoD4. Problem is, i have no idea what speed to get. There's 3 options : 384KBPS, 512KBPS and 4MBPS
No, i have no idea what any of that means
and Yes, i may possibly be retarded
Which speed is sufficient and does it really make any difference, seeing as how everyone says PSN has no 'LAG'

6030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's cool.. but i need to ask, will that also include South Africa (and before anybody freaks out and says ' what the hell does SA have to do with Europe ffs' , my refurbished PS3 was shipped from europe, we even have MTV Europe ffs. So yes, we fall under SCEE. Don't shoot me

So, will it include SA?

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You all suck rotten eggs

6038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment